niedziela, 12 lipca 2015


I think everyone has their own happy place. For me it's place where I can relax, think, consider some stuff and take rest of the people. It doesn't matter if it's your room, beach or bench under shopping center. It has to be your place, place where you like being. I have the pleasure of living in a small town with lakes, forests etc. so I have really big choice of places in nature. But I have one favourite. It's old beach by the lake but not many people go there because it's far from city center. I like sitting on the little bridge, staring at the trees and lake and just thinking. Especially when it's sunset and the sky is getting darker and darker. It's funny how many beautiful places we have at fingertips and we don't appreciate it. We are so accustomed to the view of our city that it doesn't impress us anymore. We really need to see better. But anyway...
My other "happy place" is a little village where I have my family. Unfortunately I have to spent 5 hours in the car to go there, so we don't see each other often... I think I like this place because I see how it makes other people happy. For example my father. I see how sad sometimes he is that he can't live there with his cousins, aunts and uncless. When we are there everyone is happy and that really makes me feel good. Especially I like to sit in a little bench outside the house where my great-gradmother used to sit and sang me songs when I was little. Agh, I hope that I'll go there this summer, fingers crossed.
Maybe it's strange but not only places with no people make me relax. I've always liked big towns that never sleeps, where you can see lot of people in any time of the day. Maybe it's because I live in this small town and sometimes in the center there is NOBODY and living in a big place become one of my dreams. I will never forget when I was in London... I sat at the Trafalgar Square in the evening and I was just looking at people. Looking how they were dressed, what style they had, if they were happy or not, what were they doing. I know it's a little psycho... But I don't know why it really makes me relaxed. Maybe because then I don't think about me?
It's sad that most of places which makes me happy are so far away from my home. But I hope that I will have a chance to go there again :)

And what about you? Do you have any "happy places"?

Trafalgar Square - unfortunately not my photo